Austin Haag
Associate Professor; Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy

Professional Summary:
Dr. Austin Haag is an Assistance Professor at the MHA/MBA Army-Baylor Graduate Program since 2021. He hols a BS in Microbiology, a Masters of Economics, a Masters of Healthcare Administration, and a Masters of Education. His PhD is in Economics, with a concentration in Health Economics. Dr. Haag is also a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy and has been serving as an assistant professor since 2017. Dr. Haag has multiple publications related to cost effectiveness and outcomes research, and continues to study cost effectiveness in the military health system to this day.
- 2018 - M.Ed - Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
- 2017 - PhD - University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, TX
- 2009 - MEcon -University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
- 2007 - MHA - University of Houston, Houston, TX
- 2005 - B.S. Health Sciences - George Washington University, DC
- Managerial Economics
- Healthcare Economics
- Healthcare Finance I
Professional Affiliations:
- Reviewer, Journal of Health Economics
- Reviewer, PLOS Medicine
- Member, American Society of Health Economists
- Member, American Economic Association
- Planning Committee Member, American College of Healthcare Executives
Selected Papers and Presentations:
Haag, A., Nabi, J., Herzog, P., Kwon, N. K., Marchese, M., Fields, A., ... & Trinh, Q. D. (2021). Is the current referral trend a threat to the Military Health System? Perioperative outcomes and costs after colorectal surgery in the Military Health System versus civilian facilities. Surgery.
Nabi, J., Haag, A. J., & Trinh, Q. D. (2020). Accounting for Readiness—Integrating Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) into the Military Health System. Military medicine, 185(7-8), e930-e933.
Haag, A., Cone, E. B., Wun, J., Herzog, P., Lyon, S., Nabi, J., ... & Trinh, Q. D. (2020). Trends in Surgical Volume in the Military Health System—A Potential Threat to Mission Readiness. Military Medicine.
Haag, Austin Jade, "Treatment Patterns and Cost-Effectiveness of Chemotherapy Treatments among Advanced Gastric Cancer Patients" (2017). Texas Medical Center. AAI10280096.