Student Feature - Jacob Wassell

May 21, 2021

Headshot of Jacob Wassell


Open to Change


Jacob Wassell loves the outdoors. Coupled with his passion for new experiences, he has been involved in swimming, surfing, wakeboarding, snowboarding, hiking and even skydiving! Jacob believes that this passion translates to an openness that will benefit his career. He is comfortable with the unfamiliar and is eager to learn. Stepping into the unfamiliar world of a tech start up for his summer internship, Jacob focused on creating value for prospects and the business in an environment with emerging business processes. At Baylor, he has been an active member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, serving on the Executive Council. He has also been involved with the Emerging Greek Leaders Institute and the B.E.S.T Program.

Some of the experiences Jacob has enjoyed through the ProSales program include Top Gun, sales competitions, interviews and golf outings. He is appreciative of a program that places such a strong emphasis on real world training which prompts personal and professional growth. He is entering the workforce having strong familiarity for various business settings.