Student Feature - Sarah Vaughn

April 5, 2021

Headshot of Sarah Vaughn


Dedicated to Grow and Give


Sarah Vaughn is a committed and passionate individual. Dedicated to maintaining a professional image and completing her tasks to a high standard, she is a teammate and friend others can rely on. Sarah is also willing to try new things and has a desire to learn from her experiences. She looks to develop herself and is open to the advice of others. From the ProSales program, she has learned the value of being proactive and going after what she wants. Sarah proactively pursued every development opportunity available to her during her summer sales internship at Fidelity Investments.

She credits her ProSales development experiences as foundational for helping her develop her pet sitting business.Clearly, Sarah is passionate about animals. She recently adopted a dog from a shelter and sees this adoption as the first of many. Desiring to give back, she volunteers at the shelter to help other animals find their forever families. At home, Sarah loves learning new recipes and surprising her friends and family with her creations.