Office of Industry Relations and Experiential Learning
The Office of Industry Relations and Experiential Learning, led by Tyrha M. Lindsey-Warren, PhD, is dedicated to strengthening relationships with Industry on behalf of the Hankamer School of Business (HSB) on a local, regional, statewide, national and international level. In doing so, HSB is able to provide its students and faculty with invaluable opportunities that enhance experiential learning in the classroom and beyond.
Currently, here are a few of the programs led by this Office:
HSB Faculty Shadowing Program
HSB has the goal of increasing experiential learning for its students. In doing so, keeping our professors updated on the trends and business industry practices is essential. The HSB Faculty Shadowing Program aspires to be the premier industry-academia partnership that empowers professors and keeps their curriculum and research updated as well as their course work applicable for the “real world.” Launched in 2022 with TIAA, this program continues to gain momentum by allowing HSB professors the opportunity to “shadow” C-suite executives in Fortune 500 companies.
If your company is interested in participating or learning more, please email Tyrha M. Lindsey-Warren, director, at
HSB Early Professionals Advisory Council
The primary purpose of the Early Professionals Advisory Council is to act as an advisor to the dean and faculty of the Hankamer School of Business. The members of this council also serve as a liaison between HSB and the business community.
HSB Waco Business Salons
This innovative collaborative between the Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce, the African American Cen-Tex Chamber of Commerce and the Cen-Tex Hispanic Chamber of Commerce enables the Hankamer School of Business the opportunity to stay connected with the local business community. At these specially curated “salons,” all organizations are able to share their business needs and how the Hankamer School of Business can be of service.
Give to the Industry Relations and Experiential Learning Fund.