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Full-Time MBA | EMBA Dallas | Online MBA | |
Location | Waco, Texas | Dallas, Texas | Online |
Minimum Work Experience Req. | N/A | 5 years2 | 2 years2 |
Start Times | Primary Start: July Limited Start: January | August January | 5 starts per year |
Course Length | Semester | Trimester | 7-week term |
Total Program Length | 18-24 months | 21 months | 14 - 24 months |
Delivery | In Person: M - F | In Person: 1 weekend a month | Online: Asynchronous |
Student Profile | Full-Time Student, Early Career | Working Professional | Working Professional |
Travel |
| Optional Trips4
Tuition & Fees1 | $95,200 | $88,020 | $49,938 |
Scholarships | Yes | Yes | Yes |
GRE/GMAT Required | Optional | No | No |
Interview Required | Yes | Yes | No5 |
Concentrations |
More Information |
1Tuition and fees are an estimate and intended to help prospective students estimate the costs and expenses associated with enrolling in the program. Cost can vary depending on specific options chosen by the applicant. All information on this page is subject to adjustment. For additional information about cost/expenses, please also refer to Baylor's Student Financial Services.
2Applicants without the required minimum work experience, but who are otherwise well-qualified, may be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.
3International Trip is included in EMBA general curriculum and healthcare administration concentration. Other EMBA concentrations can include the international trip for an additional fee.
4Online MBA students can elect to use an elective to attend the Washinton DC trip or international trip. Additional fees will apply.
5An interview is not required but the Admissions Committee may schedule an interview if more information is needed.