Student Feature - Blake Matthews
Best Foot Forward
Blake Matthews’ philosophy is to always put his best foot forward. He strives to do and be his best in all situations, from completing an assignment to having an intentional conversation. Blake put his best foot forward and grew professionally during his summer sales internship at Netrio.
Through his time in the ProSales program, he has learned to communicate with individuals in a more professional manner and to always be prepared. The program has pushed him to make the most of every opportunity and have the confidence to go for what he wants. When he has given his all to a task, Blake feels that the outcome is worth the effort, whether it is considered a success or not.
Outside of the program, Blake is always on the move and enjoys the outdoors. Playing lacrosse at Baylor checks both boxes, and he loves to hunt, ride dirt bikes and play tennis and golf. Additionally, Blake and his ProSales colleague, Jake Stammen, started their own business and have appreciated implementing classroom learning into this real-world endeavor. He looks forward to using these skills and experiences in his career.