Student Feature - Sarah Pieper
Growing through Relationships
Even as an extrovert, Sarah Pieper attests that ProSales has pushed her outside of her comfort zone as students are encouraged, even required, to connect with peers and executives. She has learned the value of expanding her network, not just to satisfy a need, but to truly get to know another person. She believes that you can learn a lot from others’ perspectives and experiences.
Sarah gained tremendous learning and an expanded network through her summer sales internship at Dell Technologies. As a result of ProSales, Sarah has created friendships and bonds that she may not have done otherwise. In fact, her favorite part of the program has been the people in it. Everyone is always willing to lend a hand and by learning from each other, they are made into better salespeople.
Making time for those around you when they need it is very important to Sarah. She is passionate about helping others overcome challenges. If she notices that people are struggling in class or with their personal lives, she always tries to help to the best of her ability by making herself available to them. Beyond the classroom, Sarah is a proud member of her sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, and enjoys horseback riding.