There is NO FOOD or DRINKS allowed in the lab. Students bringing food or drinks into the lab will be asked to leave or throw away the items.
Students enrolled in at least one business school course (except students enrolled in BUS 1125, BUS 3302, BUS 3303, LDS 1101, LDS 3101) will have automatic access to the lab.
To use the computers, you must login to the network using your Bear_ID as the user name. Tab down to Password and enter your Bear_Id password. Keep your password a secret! You are responsible for any actions performed on the system under your login id. If you forget your password, go to the Moody Library Garden Level Computer Lab to reset your password OR log onto the KIOSK computers as a guest and follow the link,, to change your password.
Students receive 250MB storage space on the P:drive. If you exceed this limit you may incur problems and lose your data.
Students receive 300 pages of extra Paw Prints credit, which is added to your PawPrints balance once the semester has begun. At the end of the semester, all remaining print credit is deleted. See Paw Prints link for more info.
Students can request refunds, if print jobs printed "bad" due to toner levels or printer malfunctions, by logging onto, locating the job under "Recent Print Jobs," and selecting "Request Refund". This site is monitored daily for requests and grants refunds consistent with printer errors.
Only students that have lab accounts may reserve equipment (eg: video camcorder, digital cameras, or team meeting rooms). To reserve equipment, check with the Lab Manager, Diane Lozano in Rm. A.201, or call 254-710-4137 or send an email to
Only service dogs and miniature horses with the proper documentation are allowed in Foster. Dogs or other animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA, and don’t have the same public access rights. They are, however, permitted in residential housing. Emotional support animals are not allowed in the classrooms, academic buildings or other facilities on campus. For more information.