Pursue Your Career Goals
The Baylor Business Fellows program is designed to help you meet ambitious and complex career goals. The program allows you to tailor your time at Baylor to your talents and passions with a focus on internships, jobs and graduate school.
The Fellows program can be combined with other programs including (but not limited to):
- Additional Majors
- Baylor Honors Program
- Pre-Med
- Pre-Law
- Baylor Interdisciplinary Core (BIC)
Benefits of Business Fellows
Flexible Course Selection
The Fellows program offers flexibility in course choices combined with individualized, in-depth advising. You can take the most rigorous courses you are capable of handling right away.
Pursue Multiple Goals and Career Paths
You can achieve multiple academic goals concurrently because you have additional flexibility in elective choices. Electives can be used for:
- Second or third majors across the University
- Pre-professional curriculum (pre-med, pre-law, etc.)
- Proficiency in a complementary area (math, languages, computer skills, communications, research, etc.)
Have an Individually-Designed Degree Plan
The Fellows program recognizes that you are an individual with diverse talents and interests. Flexibility in choosing courses and in-depth advising nurtures your diverse learning objectives.
Receive Guidance for Life after Graduation
Fellows' faculty advisors are professors with a thorough knowledge of Baylor, the best graduate and professional schools and the job market.
Faculty advisors strive to help you gain entry into the best graduate schools and/or professional positions and prepares you to succeed when you get there.
Study Abroad without Course Conflicts
Flexible degree planning helps avoid many of the conflicts with foreign study common with traditional degree plans.
Be Part of a Scholarly Group
Numerous social and instructional events are planned throughout the year. Plus, most Fellows are in the same freshman economics class (ECO 1380), accounting class (ACC 2303) and Connection to Hankamer class (BUS 1101).