The Baylor University Chapter of the Adam Smith Society and the Robbins Institute for Health Policy and Leadership hosted a virtual healthcare debate titled: Healthcare Access and Affordability in the Age of COVID-19: Is Single Payer the Way Forward.
COL Victor A. Suarez is the Federal COVID-19 Operation (formerly Operation Warp Speed) Vaccine Program Manager for the Moderna Product Coordination Team. In his presentation, you'll learn more about (1) the development of the Moderna vaccine, (2) the distribution of the vaccine (including recent developments under the new Biden Administration), and (3) leadership lessons from this historic public-private partnership against COVID-19. COL Suarez’s presentation is a part of the Robbins Healthcare MBA’s Executive Leadership Speaker Series. Presentation Recording Use Passcode 1K^miK2R
Due to the high interest in his presentation, as well as a number of questions that COL Suarez was unable to answer due to the allotted time, the Robbins Institute hosted a Focused Q&A session with COL Suarez on April 16.
View this Q&A at the following link: COL Suarez Presentation Recording Passcode: 0uj&U0b8
The Robbins Institute Executive Leadership Speaker Series hosted Quint Studer on April 13. Many in healthcare know Quint’s work through the Studer Group. His book, BusinessWeek bestseller Hardwiring Excellence, is one of the most read leadership books ever written for healthcare. More than 1 million copies are in circulation. His latest book, The Busy Leader’s Handbook, was published by Wiley and reached number 5 on the Wall Street Journal’s best seller list this past October. This book is a desk reference and pocket guide for anyone in a leadership position. It's also a blueprint and training resource for creating effective leaders at every level.
View this presentation at the following link: Quint Studer Presentation Recording Passcode: upr0+=W*