Sports Marketing Research
Read current Sports Money articles by Dr. Kirk Wakefield here.
2020 | Wakefield, L., Wakefield, K., & Lane Keller, K. (2020). Understanding Sponsorship: A Consumer-Centric Model of Sponsorship Effects. Journal of Advertising, 49(3), 320–343. |
2018 | Wakefield, L. T., & Wakefield, K. L. (2018). An Examination of Construal Effects on Price Perceptions in the Advance Selling of Experience Services. Journal of Service Research, 21(2), 235–248. |
2018 | George, M., & Wakefield, K. L. (2018). Modeling the consumer journey for membership services. Journal of Services Marketing, 32(2), 113–125. |
2018 | Wakefield, L. T., & Wakefield, R. L. (2018). Anxiety and Ephemeral Social Media Use in Negative eWOM Creation. Journal of Interactive Marketing (Elsevier), 41, 44–59. |
2018 | Wakefield, Lane T. & Bennett, Gregg, 2018. "Sports fan experience: Electronic word-of-mouth in ephemeral social media," Sport Management Review, Elsevier, vol. 21(2), pages 147-159. DOI: 10.1016/j.smr.2017.06.003 |
2016 | Wakefield, K. L., & Blodgett, J. (2016). Retrospective: the importance of servicescapes in leisure service settings. Journal of Services Marketing, 30(7), 686–691. |
2016 | Wakefield, K. (2016). Using Fan Passion to Predict Attendance, Media Consumption, and Social Media Behaviors. Journal of Sport Management, 30(3), 229–247. |
2016 | Jensen, J.A., Wakefield, L.T., Cobbs, J.B., & Turner, B.A. (2016). Forecasting sponsorship costs: marketing intelligence in the athletic apparel industry. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 34 (2), 281-298. |
2010 | Wakefield, K. L., & Bennett, G. (2010). Affective Intensity and Sponsor Identification. Journal of Advertising, 39(3), 99–111. |
2007 | Wakefield, K. L., Becker-Olsen, K., & Cornwell, T. B. (2007). I Spy a Sponsor. Journal of Advertising, 36(4), 61–74. |
2006 | Johar, G. V., Pham, M. T., & Wakefield, K. L. (2006). How Event Sponsors Are Really Identified: A (Baseball) Field Analysis. Journal of Advertising Research, 46(2), 183–198. |
2003 | Wakefield, K. L., & Inman, J. J. (2003). Situational price sensitivity: the role of consumption occasion, social context and income. Journal of Retailing, 79(4), 199-212. |
1999 | Wakefield, K. L., & Blodgett, J. G. (1999). Customer Response to Intangible and Tangible Service Factors. Psychology & Marketing, 16(1), 51–68. |
1998 | Fisher, R. J., & Wakefield, K. (1998). Factors Leading to Group Identification: A Field Study of Winners and Losers. Psychology & Marketing, 15(1), 23–40. |
1998 | Wakefield, K. L., & Bush, V. D. (1998). Promoting leisure services: Economic and emotional aspects of consumer response. Journal of Services Marketing, 12(2/3), 209-222. |
1996 | Wakefield, K. L., Blodgett, J. G., & Sloan, H. J. (1996). Measurement and Management of the Sportscape. Journal of Sport Management, 10(1), 15–31. |
1996 | Wakefield, K. L., & Barnes, J. H. (1996). Retailing Hedonic Consumption: A Model of Sales Promotion of a Leisure Service. Journal of Retailing, 72(4), 409–427. |
1996 | Wakefield, K. L., & Blodgett, J. G. (1996). The effect of the servicescape on customer’s behavioral intentions in leisure service settings. Journal of Services Marketing, 10(6), 45. |
1995 | Wakefield, K. L., & Sloan, H. J. (1995). The Effects of Team Loyalty and Selected Stadium Factors on Spectator Attendance. Journal of Sport Management, 9(2), 153–172. |
1995 | Wakefield KL. The Pervasive Effects of Social Influence on Sporting Event Attendance. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. 1995;19(4):335-351. doi:10.1177/019372395019004002 |
1994 | Wakefield, K. L. & Blodget, J.G. (1994). The Importance of Servicescapes in Leisure Service Settings. Journal of Services Marketing, 8(3), 66. |