Support the Center
Leadership partners of the Sales Strategy in Sports and Entertainment program provide substantial financial support for events, operations, scholarships, fellowships, awards, facilities, software and hardware to enable S3E students to excel in pursuit of their passion for careers in sports. These partners lead in mentoring and recruiting S3E students for internships and full-time positions.
Special thanks to our leadership partners, who go above and beyond to make S3E the premier sports business program focused on generating revenue and data management and analysis.
Thanks also to our advisory board members and friends in supporting Baylor University and the S3E program through giving, recruiting and mentoring as a way of giving back to the future leaders in the industry. If you would like to begin or continue your personal or organizational support to S3E, please follow the link below to contribute online.
Online Giving to the S3E Program
Gifts may also be submitted payable to Baylor University, with a notation for the S3E program, addressed to the attention of Kirk Wakefield, Department of Marketing, #98007 One Bear Place, Baylor University, Waco, Texas 76798.