Chris Pullig
Department Chair; Professor of Marketing

Professional Summary
Chris Pullig's research and teaching is focused on consumer attitudes and decision making with a special emphasis on three related areas: 1) how consumers evaluate brands, 2) marketing and branding in the global marketplace, and 3) ethics and the role of marketing in promoting pro-societal causes. He has published research in a variety of journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Retailing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing and others. Pullig serves on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and is a regular reviewer for leading journals including the Journal of Marketing and Journal of Consumer Research. Prior to his academic career, Pullig served as the CEO of a chain of retail stores based in Texas.
- 2000 – PhD, Marketing, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- 1996 – MBA, Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas
- 1981 – BBA, Accounting, Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas
- MKT 4340 – Strategic Brand Management
- MKT 4330 – Marketing Analysis and Decision Making
- MKT 5440 – Strategic Brand Management
Research Interests
- Brand Value
- Pricing
- Consumer Attitudes
- Judgment and Decision-making
Selected Publications
- C Galalae, … Chris Pullig, et. al., (2023), A Multicontextual Lens on Racism and Discrimination in the Multicultural Marketplace. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 8 (1), 95-106.
- Kipnis, E., Demangeot, C., Chris Pullig, et. al (2021). Institutionalizing Diversity and Inclusion Across the Marketing Research, Education and Practice Fields for Multicultural Marketplace Wellbeing. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 40 (2), 143-164. Winner of the 2024 Thomas C. Kinnear Award.
- Kharouf, H., Chris Pullig, Lund, D., Krallman, A. (2020). A Signaling Theory Approach to Relationship Recovery. European Journal of Marketing 54 (9), 2139-2170.
- Carpenter, T., Chris Pullig, et. al. (2019). Survey-Software Implicit Association Tests: A Methodological and Empirical Analysis. Behavioral Research Methods, 51, 2194–2208.
- Tu, Lijiang and Chris Pullig (2018) “Penny Wise and Pound Foolish? How Thinking Style Affects Price Cognition,” Marketing Letters 29 (2), 261-273.
- Dutta, S, and Chris Pullig (2011) “Effectiveness of Corporate Responses to Brand Crises: The Role of Crisis Types and Response Strategies,” Journal of Business Research. 64(12), 1281.
- Pullig, Chris, C.J. Simmons and R.G Netemeyer (2006) “Brand Dilution: When Do New Brands Hurt Existing Ones?,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 70 (2), 52.
- Pullig, Chris, R.G. Netemeyer and A. Biswas (2006) “Attitude Basis, Certainty, and Challenge Alignment: A Case of Negative Brand Publicity,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 34 (4), 528.
- Biswas, A., Pullig, Chris, Dutta, S. (2006) “Low Price Guarantees as Signals of Lowest Price: The Moderating Role of Perceived Price Dispersion,” Journal of Retailing, Vol. 82 (3), 245.
- Netemeyer, R. G., J. G. Maxham, and Chris Pullig (2005) “Conflicts in the Work-Family Interface: Links to Job Stress, Customer Service Employee Performance, and Customer Purchase Intent,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 69 (2), 130.
- Biswas A., Chris Pullig, M.I. Yagci, and D.H. Dean (2002) “Consumer Evaluation of Low-Price Guarantees: The Moderating Role of Reference Price and Store Image,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 12(2): 107.