Christina Iluzada
Clinical Associate Professor Assistant Director of the McBride Center of International Business Global Learning Coordinator

Professional Summary
Christina Iluzada holds a PhD in English and has taught writing and communications courses since 2009. She enjoys researching and implementing innovative pedagogical practices to foster a transformative communication education for students on study-abroad programs and in on-campus classes. She has published research in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education, The Journal on Excellence in College Teaching and International Journal of Business Communication.
Iluzada serves as the global learning coordinator at the Hankamer School of Business. In this role, she promotes Collaborative Online International Learning—COIL—initiatives by recruiting and training Baylor faculty, curating resources and meeting with international faculty. She is committed to fostering global business education and actively participates in strategic planning at the McBride Center for International Business.
As the assistant director of the McBride Center, Iluzada leads its communication-oriented initiatives. She develops and leads new study-abroad programs and coordinates the Business Communication and Practices Across Cultures course. Additionally, she supervises and trains McBride Ambassadors and student workers managing the McBride Center’s social media accounts. She revises and updates the Center’s website, writes and distributes the bi-annual McBride newsletter and oversees other promotional initiatives to enhance the visibility and impact of the McBride Center.
Iluzada is a member of the Association for Business Communication and the Christian Business Faculty Association. She also serves as a consultant for David Weekley Homes.
- 2013 – PhD, English, Baylor University, Waco, Texas
- 2002 – BA, English with an education certificate, Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina
- BUS 3315 – Business Communications
- BUS 3303 – Managerial Communications
- BUS 3330 – Business Communication and Practices Across Cultures
Research Interests
- Teaching for Writing Transfer in Business Schools
- Storytelling in Business Communication
- Student Academic Role Commitment
- Empathy in Faculty Communication to Students
Selected Publications
- Iluzada, C., Wakefield, R., and Alford A. (2021). “Personal technology in the classroom: Evaluating student learning, attention, & satisfaction.” Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education, 4.3: 111-131.
- Iluzada, C. (2020). “How to respond to new atheists: Learning how to view the material world, knowledge, and mystery from seventeenth-century poet Lucy Hutchinson. Religion and Literature, 52.2: 115-137.
- Waller, R. and Iluzada C. (2020). “Blackfish and SeaWorld: A case study in the framing of a crisis.” International Journal of Business Communication, 57.2: 227-243.
- Iluzada, C. (2019). “Teaching love as the foundation of business communication.” Christian Business Academy Review. 14.1: 11-16.
- Bilbro, J., Iluzada, C., and Clark, D. “Responding effectively to composition students: Comparing student perceptions of written and audio feedback.” (2013). The Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 24.1: 47-83.