Don Carpenter
Clinical Associate Professor; 2303 Course Coordinator

Professional Summary
Don Carpenter is a certified public accountant and member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Texas Society of CPAs. He serves as a director for Medical Cybersecurity Co. and as a contributing editor for Today’s CPA.
Prior to joining Baylor University, Carpenter served as an officer of two Fortune 500 companies headquartered in Houston, Texas. His final position was as vice president and chief accounting officer for Waste Management, Inc. Prior to which he was vice president of Taxation for Tenneco Inc.
- 1994 – MS Accountancy, University of Houston, Houston, TX
- 1981 – BBA, Accounting, Baylor University, Waco, TX
- ACC 2303 – Financial Accounting
- ACC 5385 – Financial Statement Analysis
- FIN 5333 – Managing For Value Creation
Research Interests
- Financial Disclosure
- Financial Reporting
- Tax Policy
Selected Publications
- Carpenter, D. & Thomasson, T. (2021), Economic Stimulus and Tax Extenders Ride the Coattails of Government Funding in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 ,Today’s CPA, 48(4), 20-28.
- Carpenter, D. & Thomasson, T. (2021), $1.9 Trillion American Rescue Plan Act Continues the Pattern of Stimulating the Economy Through Tax Policy, Today’s CPA, 48(6), 26-30.
- Thomasson, T. & Carpenter, D. (2020), Cares Act Provides Benefits and Incentives to Both Businesses and Individuals to Ease the Economic Impact of Covid-19, Today’s CPA, 47(6), 22-25.
- Carpenter, D. & Thomasson, T. (2018). Sweeping Changes Ratchet Up the Complexity of International Taxation, Today’s CPA, 46(3),24-30.
- Thomas, C. & Carpenter, D. (2018). Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Stepping Up The Tempo After SOX, Today’s CPA, 46(3), 38-44.

Foster Business and Innovation 110.35
One Bear Place #98002
Waco, TX 76706