Research and Publishing Update
Accounting and Business Law
Rebecca Files presented "Getting the Facts Straight: The SEC's Use of Subpoena Power and its Implications for Investigated Firms" at the Hawaii Research Conference sponsored by University of Hawaii in Honolulu, HI (January, 2025). Co-authors include: Brian Miller, Eric Holzman.
Emily Deng presented "The Dynamics of Upward Knowledge Sharing: An Experimental Examination" at the 14TH EIASM Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting sponsored by European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management in Milan, Italy (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Margaret Christ, Miranda Hugie.
Emily Deng presented "The Dynamics of Upward Knowledge Sharing: An Experimental Examination" at the Managerial Accounting Section 2025 Midyear Meeting sponsored by AAA in Austin, TX (January, 2025). Co-authors include: Austin Egbert.
Michael Mowchan presented "Audit Firm Responses Following PCAOB Enforcement: Unveiling the Influence of PCAOB Enforcement when Sanctioned Auditors Remain versus Depart" at the KU-KAIST Accounting Research Workshop sponsored by Korea University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) in Daejeon, South Korea (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Meng Li, Wei Zhang, Hyun Jong Park.
Betty Xing authored "MTR Estimation Procedure: Application in Canada" accepted for publication in Accounting Perspectives (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Khin Phyo Hlaing.
Jeehoon Han presented "Digging Beneath the Hood of Multidimensional Pension Rules" at the KAEA-ASSA Annual Meeting sponsored by The Korea-America Economic Association in San Francisco, CA (January, 2025).
Mark Hoekstra presented "Are juries racially discriminatory? Evidence from the race-blind prosecution of defendants with and without racially distinctive names" at the Seminar at Michigan State University sponsored by Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI (December, 2024).
Lourenco Paz presented "Gender Wage Gap and Exporting: Do destinations matter?" at the 52nd Encontro Nacional de Economia sponsored by ANPEC in Natal, Brazil (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Bruno Araujo.
Cesia Sanchez presented "Early Economic Distress and its Effect on Workers' Occupational Characteristics" at the Economics Seminar at Baylor sponsored by Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University in Waco, TX (December, 2024).
John Chen presented "Alignment Structures and Ecosystem Performance: A Complexity-based Approach" at the Wharton Corporate Strategy and Innovation Conference sponsored by Wharton at University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Samuel Davidson, Ram Ranganathan.
Sohvi Heaton authored "Open Innovation in Ecosystems: Exploring How the Affiliation of An Ecosystem Partner Impacts the Benefits of Collaboration in Open Innovation" accepted for publication in Research Policy (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Jungwon Min.
Peter Klein presented "PhD Programs in Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and Organization" at the SIE Speaker Series sponsored by PhD Project and Consortium on Competitiveness and Cooperation in Virtual (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Pedro Reyes.
Stephen Zhang authored "When Does Real Options Reasoning Benefit Firm Survival and When Does It Not? The Boundary Condition of Firms' Imitation Propensity" accepted for publication in Conference Proceeding (January, 2025). Co-authors include: Qi Chen.
Andrew Detzel authored "The volatility puzzle of the beta anomaly" accepted for publication in Journal of Financial Economics (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Pedro Barroso, Paulo Maio.
Pil-Seng Lee presented "Look who's disagreeing - the effect of soft information dispersion on firm risk and returns." at the 2024 Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets sponsored by Korean Securities Association in Seoul, South Korea (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Robert Marks, Tuhin Harti, Hyung-Eun Choi.
Information Systems and Business Analytics
Lemuria Cater authored "How was my Performance? Exploring the Role of Anchoring Bias in AI-assisted Decision Making" accepted for publication in International Journal of Information Management (January, 2025). Co-authors include: Dapeng Liu.
Hope Koch presented "CIO Forum on IT Innovation Through Academic-Industry Synergies" at the CIO Forum on IT Innovation Through Academic-Industry Synergies sponsored by Society for Information Management, Association for Information Systems, International Conference on Information Systems in Bangkok, Thailand (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Olayele Adelakun, Gayan Benedict, Krating Poonpol, Robert Davison.
Qin Weng presented "Unveiling Gender Dynamics for Mental Health Posts in Social Media and Generative Artificial Intelligence" at HICSS-58 sponsored by Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences in Waikoloa, HI (January, 2025). Co-authors include: Jie Ren.
Suzanne Zivnuska authored "The Spiraling Effect of Incivility Enacted Through Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Workplace." accepted for publication in Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Kenneth Harris, Matthew Valle, Ranida Harris, John Carlson, Dawn Carlson.
Blaine McCormick authored "Ignoble Treasure: Russell Kirk's 'Fate's Purse'" published in The Free Enterprise Institute (December, 2024).
Adegboyega (Ade) Oyedijo presented "Creating Equity, Inclusion and Belonging in Higher Education: The Challenges and Opportunities for Black Academics in University Business Schools" at the UK Parliament - House of Lords Summit on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion sponsored by The University of Reading and The University of East London in London, United Kingdom (December, 2024).
Adegboyega (Ade) Oyedijo authored "How to tackle unethical behaviour caused by supply chain disruption" published in World Economic Forum (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Hannah Stolze.
Sara Perry presented "Negotiating Well in a Divided World" at the Invitation to Excellence sponsored by Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University in Waco, TX (January, 2025).
Pedro Reyes authored "An AI gold rush as a transformation for learning and pedagogy experiences" published in Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education (January, 2025). Co-authors include: Ashish Gupta.
Liz Sutton authored "How do staff work in NHS hospital operations management meetings to support resilience in everyday service delivery? A qualitative study" published in BMC Health Services Research (January, 2025). Co-authors include: Adegboyega (Ade) Oyedijo, Roland Damian, Carolyn Tarrant, Janet Willars, Tim Coats, Mark Simmonds, Duane Mclean, Adrian Boyle, Kaya Dreesbeimdiek, S Richter.
Min (Maggie) Wan authored "Adapting Boundary Preferences to Match Reality: A Latent Change Score Analysis of Hybrid Workers' Work-Family Balance Satisfaction as Moderated by Spousal Interaction" published in Journal of Vocational Behavior (January, 2025). Co-authors include: Dawn Carlson, K. Kacmar, Sara Perry, Merideth Thompson.
Matthew Wright presented "Court Decorum - Constitutional Requirements" at the New Judges School sponsored by Texas Municipal Courts Education Center in Austin, TX (December, 2024).
Matthew Wright presented "Negotiations: Beyond Persuasion" at the Criminal Justice Section sponsored by State of Texas Bar Association in Austin, TX (December, 2024).
Claudio Alvarez presented "Commercial Attachment Styles" at the Brown Bag Seminar sponsored by Marketing Department, Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University in Waco, TX (December, 2024). Co-authors include: Pat Jaska.
Judith Garretson Folse authored "Online Dialogical Interaction for Satisfying Service Encounters" accepted for publication in Journal of Business Research (January, 2025). Co-authors include: Dora Bock, Jordan Moffett, Kris Hall, Stephanie Mangus.