Research and Publishing Update
Accounting and Business Law
Laurie Burney presented "Navigating the Technology Frontier: The Role of AI and Technology in Accounting Classrooms" at the TACTYC in Arlington, VA (May 2024).
Michael Mowchan presented "Are Audit Firms Undermining PCAOB Enforcement? Unveiling the Influence of PCAOB Enforcement when Firms Retain Sanctioned Auditors" at the 2024 PCAOB/TAR Registered Reports Conference in Washington, DC (June 2024). Co-authors/presenters include: Meng Li, Wei Zhang and Hyun Jong Park.
Lourenco Paz presented "Exporter's gender wage gap: do destinations matter?" at the IPEA Webinar Series in Brasilia, Brazil (June 2024). Co-authors/presenters include: Bruno Araujo.
Information Systems and Business Analytics
Allison Alford authored "Daughterwork in times of social upheaval" which has been accepted for publication in Qualitative Research Reports in Communication. (May 2024).
Allison Alford presented "What does it mean to "care" in families?" at the Re-Envisioning Care for a more Just and Inclusive Society Conference in College Station, TX (May 2024). Co-authors/presenters include: Kaitlin Phillips.
Yasamin Hadavi authored "Please Help: The Effect of (Im)polite Language on Educational Crowdfunding Success" which has been accepted for publication in . (May 2024). Co-authors include: Xunyi Wang, Robin Wakefield and Stacie Petter.
Hope Koch presented "The Impact of a Mentor" at the Leading Waco Women as part of the Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce in Waco, TX (May 2024).
Qin Weng authored "Bridge the Gap or Mind the Gap? The Role of Leader Coaching and Communication Technologies in Configurationally Dispersed Teams" which has been accepted for publication in Information & Management. (June 2024). Co-authors include: Jamie Windeler, Likoebe Maruping and Viswanath Venkatesh.
Jie (Kevin) Yan authored "How Technology Affordances of Sharing Economy Platforms Influence Cultural Distance and the Affective Commitment of Immigrants at the Base of the Pyramid" which has been accepted for publication in a conference proceeding. (May 2024). Co-authors include: Robin Wakefield, Saman Bina and Yasamin Hadavi.
Stephanie Mangus presented "Gratitude: A New Approach to Motivating Consumer Ethics" at the Association of Consumer Research Conference 2024 Paris in Paris, France (June 2024). Co-authors/presenters include: Veronica Thomas and Jeremy Wolter.
Kellen Mrkva presented "The Confirmation Nudge: How to Change Consumer Purchase Choices" at the Theory + Practice in Marketing in Austin, TX (May 2024). Co-authors/presenters include: Shannon Duncan, Marissa Sharif and Stanley Zuo.
Kellen Mrkva presented "Below the Scroll: A Novel Position Effect Influences Online Consumer Decisions" at the Theory + Practice in Marketing in Austin, TX (May 2024). Co-authors/presenters include: Jake Floyd, Ashley Otto and Yuna Choe.
Kellen Mrkva presented "Unfair Artificial Intelligence Reduces Rates of Prosocial Punishment" at the Association for Consumer Research in Paris, France (September 2024).
Chris Pullig presented "Institutionalizing Diversity-and-Inclusion-Engaged Marketing for Multicultural Marketplace Well-Being" at the American Marketing Association - Summer Educators Conference in Boston, MA (2024).
Lane Wakefield authored "Conceptualizing Ephemerality in Online Marketing Communication for Consumers and Firms" which has been accepted for publication in European Journal of Marketing. (May 2024).
Min Kyung Lee presented "Boosting or undermining? Unveiling the two-sided effect of updates in medical crowdfunding campaigns" at the 2024 POMS Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN (April 2024). Co-authors/presenters include: Wen Zhang.
Diane Mollenkopf authored "Transformative Supply Chain Research: A New Frontier for SCM Scholars" which has been accepted for publication in Journal of Business Logistics. (May 2024). Co-authors include: Terry Esper, Hannah Stolze and Lucie Ozanne.
MBA Healthcare Administration
Joel Allison presented "Conversation with Joel Alison" at the Leadership in Healthcare at Baylor University in Waco, TX (February 2024). Co-authors/presenters include: Lauren Barron.