Carie Ford
Clinical Professor of Accounting; Accounting Undergraduate Advisor

Professional Summary
Carie Ford is a clinical professor of Accounting who joined the Baylor faculty in 2006. She holds a PhD in Accounting with a minor in psychology from Texas Tech University and is a certified public accountant. Ford teaches Financial Accounting and Reporting I (undergraduate) and Advanced Accounting Topics (graduate) and serves as the undergraduate advisor to all incoming and existing Accounting majors at Baylor University.
- 2006 – PhD, Business Administration, Accounting with Psychology minor, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
- 1996 – MBA, Accounting Concentration, Baylor University, Waco, Texas
- 1996 – BBA, Accounting, Baylor University (cum laude), Waco, Texas
- ACC 3301 – Financial Accounting and Reporting I
- ACC 5380 – Advanced Financial Accounting Topics
Research Interests
- Behavioral Accounting
- Taxation for Clergy
Selected Publications
- Ford, C., Lail, B., Popova, V. (2018). Are Non-professional Investors’ Attitudes Toward Earnings Management Consistent with their Investing Behavior? Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, 21, 47-68.
- Ford, C., Peng, J. (2015). Expense Report Abuse: Influence of Mood and Social Presence. International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 9(2), 221-232.
- Ford, C., Peng, J. (2014). Fraudulent Expense Reporting: Impact of Manager Responsiveness and Social Presence. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 15(2), 158-174.
- Ford, C. (2013). Book review, Skills for Accounting and Auditing Research, Shelby Collins. Cambridge Business Publishers.