A. David Mangelsdorff
Professor Emeritus

- 1967 - AB
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH - 1972 - MA - Psychology
University of Delaware, Newark, DE - 1972 - PhD - Psychology
University of Delaware, Newark, DE - 1980 - MA - English
St. Mary's University of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX - 1982 - MPH
University of Texas School of Public Health, San Antonio, TX - 1990 - National Defense University
- 2003 - Fulbright scholar
- 1971-2000 Colonel (retired, USAR)
- 1967-2016 Federal employee (retired)
- Organizational Behavior and Theory with Human Resources
- Quantitative Analysis
- Issues in International Health
- Health Applications in Networking and Telecommunications
- Lessons in leadership through great works
- Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (1974 to 2016)
- National Register Health Service Providers in Psychology (1976 to 2016)
Select Publications:
- Zuckerman, M., Bone, R.N., Neary, R., Mangelsdorff, A.D., & Brustman, B. (1972). What is the sensation seeker? Personality trait and experience correlates of the sensation seeking scales. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 39(2), 308-32l.
- Mangelsdorff, A.D. (1979). Patient satisfaction questionnaire. Medical Care, 17, 86-90.
- Mangelsdorff, A.D. (1985). Lessons learned and forgotten: the need for prevention and mental health interventions in disaster preparedness. Journal of Community Psychology, 13, 239-257.
- Kroenke, K., Wood, D.R., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Meier, N.J., and Powell, J.B. (1988). Chronic fatigue in primary care: Prevalence, patient characteristics, and outcome. Journal of American Medical Association, 260 (7), 929-934.
- Gal, R., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. (Eds.). (1991). Handbook of military psychology. London: John Wiley, Ltd.
- Mangelsdorff, A.D., Savini, G., and Doering, D. (2001). Chemical and bioterrorism preparedness checklist. American Hospital Association.
- Mangelsdorff, A.D., Rogers, J., Finstuen, K., and Pryor, R. (Winter, 2004). U.S. Army-Baylor University Health Care Administration Program Evidenced-Based Outcomes in the Military Health System. Journal of Health Education and Administration, 21 (1), 81-89.
- Mangelsdorff, A.D. (2005). U.S. Army-Baylor Program Overview. AMEDD Journal, PB 8-05-1/2/3.
- Finstuen, K., & Mangelsdorff, A.D. (2006). Executive competencies in health care administration: Preceptors of the U.S. Army-Baylor University Graduate Program. Journal of Health Administration Education, 23 (2), 199-215.
- Mangelsdorff, A.D. (Ed.). (2006). Psychology in the service of national security. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
- Barido, G. T., Campbell-Gauthier, G. D., Mang-Lawson, A. M., Mangelsdorff, A. D., and Finstuen, K. (2008). Patient satisfaction in military medicine: Model refinement and assessment of continuity of care effects. Military Medicine, 173(7), 641-46.
- Rogers, J., Mangelsdorff, A. D. (2013). Characteristics of Most-Admired Army Medical Department Leaders. AMEDD Journal, PB 8-13(7/8/9), 41-46.
- Mangelsdorff, A. D. (2013). Mental Health Advisory Teams (pp. 91-94). Military Psychologists' Desk Reference, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Mangelsdorff, A. D., Johnson, L., Scales, T. L. (2014). Sixty Years of Partnership: A History of the Army-Baylor Health & Business Administration Program. Baylor Oral History Institute Baylor Oral History Institute.
- Kim, F., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Johnson, L.M., and Swift, D. (2013). Improving the Interpersonal Skills of Young Healthcare Executives. Final Report Internal Grants Programs, Baylor University.
- Mangelsdorff, A. D., Johnson, L. (2017). Health Care Statesmen Forged Under Fire: A Sixty Year History of the Army-Baylor University MHA Program. ISBN 978-0-9990765-0-7. San Antonio, TX: Shweiki Media
- Beauvais, B., Richter, J., Kim, F., Weigel, F., Brezinski, P., Downs, L., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Patricola, M., Powers, J. (2018). The Influence of CAHME Accreditation Findings and Program Reputation on Length of Healthcare Management Program Accreditation. Journal of Health Administration Education, 34(4): 569-584.
- Thomas, J.E., Kang, S., Wyatt, C.J., Kim, F.S., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Weigel, F.K. (2018). Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency. Texas Heart Institute Journal, 45(3), 144-150.
- Kim, F.S., Bonica, M., Johnson, L.M., Swift, D., Beauvais M., Mangelsdorff, A.D. (2021). "Throw you to the wolves" and other strategies for developing the interpersonal skills of recent entrants to healthcare management: A mixed methods study. Journal of Health Administration Education, 38(3):728-768.