JaeHwan Kwon
Associate Professor

Professional Summary
JaeHwan Kwon, PhD, is an associate professor of Marketing. On a broad scale, his research is categorized as a behavioral JDM (Judgment and Decision Making). More specifically, his research focuses on investigating the processes in which consumers make their (often biased) evaluative judgments and decisions on products/brands. While the prior JDM research mostly focuses on people’s judgments and choices as the “outcomes” of particular decision tasks given at a specific time, his research focuses more on the general “processes” in which those judgments are driven as a factor of individual heterogeneity and of contextual/situational differences. He explores this topic utilizing a variety of methodologies ranging from typical in-lab experiments to online gaming and eye-tracking to shed light on the underlying process mechanisms by which consumers make their evaluative judgments.
Kwon has served or serves as an Editorial Review Board member at European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Psychological Research, Journal of Marketing Thought and Asia Marketing Journal. He is a member of Association for Consumer Research, Society for Consumer Psychology and Society for Judgment and Decision Making.
- 2015 – PhD, Marketing, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
- 2010 – MS, Marketing, New York University, New York, New York
- 2007 – MBA, Marketing, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
- 2004 – BS, Environmental Science, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
MKT 3330 – Marketing Research (2015-current)
Research Interests
- Consumer Attitude Formation and Persuasion
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Numerical Cognition, Pricing, and Financial Decision Making
- New Tech Products/Services Marketing
Selected Publications
- Tu, L. L., Kwon, J., & Gao, H. (2022). Heart or Mind? The Impact of Power Distance Belief on the Persuasiveness of Cognitive Versus Affective Appeals in Education Marketing Messages. Journal of Marketing Research, 59(1), 173-190.
- Park, H., & Kwon, J. (2022). The Numerical Precision Effect: How Precision of Attribute Information Affects Adoption of Technology Products. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32(1), 69-76.
- Nayakankuppam, D., Priester, J. R., Kwon, J., Donovan, L. A. N., & Petty, R. E. (2018). Construction and retrieval of evaluative judgments: The attitude strength moderation model. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76, 54-66.
- Kwon, J., & Nayakankuppam, D. (2015). Strength without elaboration: The role of implicit self-theories in forming and accessing attitudes. Journal of Consumer Research, 42(2), 316-339.