Jason MacGregor
Associate Professor, Roderick Holmes Chair of Accountancy

Professional Summary
Jason MacGregor arrived at Baylor after completing his PhD at the University of Florida. Originally hailing from Canada, he holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the Odette School of Business at the University of Windsor.
MacGregor has worked globally with non-profit and church organizations. He has worked with non-profits in Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Thailand, Greece, the United Kingdom, the United States, Peru, Barbados, the Cayman Islands and Guatemala to help global poverty and promote ethical decision making.
He has been a member of the American Accounting Association since 2006.
2007- PhD, Business Administration, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
2000- Bachelor of Commerce, Honours Business Administration, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
- ACC 4330 – Auditing Attestation and Assurance Services (2007- Present)
- ACC 5335 – Business and Professional Ethics for Accountants (2020- Present)
- ACC 5420 – Managerial Accounting (2022- Present)
Research Interests
- Audit Economics
- Auditor Judgment
- Financial Reporting Quality
Selected Publications
Blankley, A. I., Hurtt, D. N., & MacGregor, J. E. (2012). Abnormal audit fees and restatements. Auditing: a journal of practice & theory, 31(1), 79-96.
Blankley, A. I., Hurtt, D. N., & MacGregor, J. E. (2014). The relationship between audit report lags and future restatements. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 33(2), 27-57.
MacGregor, J., & Stuebs, M. (2014). The silent Samaritan syndrome: Why the whistle remains unblown. Journal of business ethics, 120(2), 149-164.
Lail, B., MacGregor, J., Marcum, J., & Stuebs, M. (2017). Virtuous professionalism in accountants to avoid fraud and to restore financial reporting. Journal of business ethics, 140(4), 687-704.
MacGregor, J. (2012). Audit committee equity holdings, the risk of reporting problems, and the achievement of earnings thresholds. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 31(5), 471-491.

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