Lauren Farish
Clinical Assistant Professor; CPA

Professional Summary
Lauren Farish is a clinical assistant professor in Department of Accounting and Business Law at Baylor University. After obtaining her master’s degree at Baylor, she was a tax consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) for seven years. She continues to consult at PwC, in addition to her clinical role at Baylor.
Her experience at PwC includes tax provision preparation and consulting for Fortune 50 technology and telecom companies, carve out tax accounting, auditing tax provisions, corporate tax compliance and specialty tax consulting.
- 2013 – Master of Taxation, Baylor University, Waco, Texas
- 2013 – BBA, Accounting, Business Fellows, Baylor University, Waco, Texas
- ACC 3305 – Intermediate Accounting I (2020-current)
- ACC 4308 – Advanced Managerial Accounting (2020-2023)
- ACC 5364 – International Taxation (2021-current)

Foster Business and Innovation 110.20
One Bear Place #98002
Waco, TX 76706