Marjorie J. Cooper
Professor; Editor of Keller Center Research Report

Professional Summary
Marjorie Cooper, PhD, is a professor of Marketing in the Hankamer School of Business and the editor of the Keller Center Research Report. She holds a PhD in Business Administration from Texas A&M University with a specialty in Marketing. Cooper has served at Baylor since 1984.
Cooper is a founding member of the Theory of Constraints International Certification Organization and holds membership in the Christian Business Faculty Association, the Evangelical Theological Society, Mu Kappa Tau, Beta Gamma Sigma and Pi Sigma Epsilon.
- 2015 – Master of Theology, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas
- 1981 – PhD, Business Administration, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
- 1977 – MBA, Marketing Concentration, Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- 1970 – BA, Greek, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois
- MKT 3301 – Marketing Concepts
- MKT 3305 – Principles of Marketing
- MKT 3320 – Advertising Procedures
Research Interests
- Business Ethics
- Constraints Management
- Promotion Management
Selected Publications
Cooper, M. (2022). A rhetorical critique and proposal for 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. Presbyterion, 48(Spring), 151-162.
Cooper, M., Pullig, C., & Dickens, C. (2016). Effects of narcissism and religiosity on church ministers with respect to ethical judgment, confidence, and forgiveness. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 44(1), 42-54.
Cooper, M. & Caballero, J. (2015). The centrality of worship to life and the sabbath: Implications for business. Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, 18(1), 21-33.
Cooper, M. & Pullig, C. (2013). I’m number one! Does narcissism impair ethical judgment even for the highly religious? Journal of Business Ethics, 112(1), 167-176.
Cooper, M. (2010). Traditional strategy models and theory of constraints. In J. Cox & J. Schleier (Eds.). Theory of Constraints Handbook (pp. 501-518). McGraw-Hill.
Cooper, M. & Spoede C. (2007). Tying the pieces together: A normative approach to integrating business development, sales, and project delivery. Industrial Marketing Management 36(2), 173-182.
Caballero, M., Madden, C., & Lumpkin, J. (1989) Using physical attractiveness as an advertising tool: An empirical test of the attraction phenomenon. Journal of Advertising Research, 29(4), 16-22.
Caballero, M. & Resnik, A. (1986). The attraction paradigm in dyadic exchange. Psychology & Marketing, 3(1), 17-34.
Caballero, M., & Pride, W. (1984). Selected effects of salesperson sex and attractiveness on sales response. Journal of Marketing, 48(Winter), 94-100.
Caballero, M., & Solomon, P. (1984). A longitudinal view of women’s role portrayal in television advertising. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 12(Fall), 93-108.m